Thursday, March 17, 2011

Drunk People On the Radio...

Join me tonight at 10 PM ET for another episode of NYComedyUnderground Radio. My guests tonight include the sisguntingly cute and adorably funny Jessica Lovelace-Chandler ( It's St. Patty's Day and we are getting into the spirit by getting drunk on the air.  Will I finish the show in one piece? You'll just have to tune in to see.




Call in LIVE: 858-815-2314


A Fine Excuse to Drink

Date / Time: 3/17/2011 10:00 PM



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Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Fun to do Bad Things

ry fun show last night on NYComedyUnderground Radio. My guests were LA based comedian Amy Dresner ( and fellow BTR host Lola Mack ( Rather than trying to sum things up, I decided to list some excerpts from the show. These are phrases that came out of people's mouths.

"kids are getting shittier and shittier"
"an open palmed bitchslap"
"I don't want people to get the impression that you flash your boobs on stage"
"I sound like Johnny Cash"
"then you see I am talking about pussy hairdos"
"open mics are like AA meetings, sex therapy, and depressives anonymous rolled into one"
"I wouldn't want to pass the shit from my genetical pool onto anyone"
"I embarass my fiance every time I step on stage"
"Did it have semen in it?"
"I think putting the condom on her head was enough"
"I don't believe in spankings, I believe in beatings"
"The worst is these kids having kids who are going out to clubs every night"
"Every time I see a teenager there is this uncontrollable rage that builds in me"
"It's fun to do bad things"
"I knew kids who used to play dodge the cars after school"
"These parents are watching Justin Bieber and Harry Potter and are on Team Edward"
"Y'know what, fuck kids"

For more of the madness you can download the episode -

or listen via the player below.

Listen to internet radio with vanedave on Blog Talk Radio

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Called Child "REARING" for a Reason!

Join me Tonight at 10 PM ET on NYComedyUnderground Radio as we discuss how messed up kids are in today's society.

Are kids getting worse with each passing generation?

What are we doing wrong?

Are you for or against whooping a kid's ass?


Upcoming Episodes

Date / Time: 3/10/2011 10:00 PM

Category: Comedy

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, March 3, 2011

G's Up Hoes Down (Gender Equality in the 21st Century)

In honor of Women's History Month we will be talking about issues surrounding gender equality. Do you think gender equality exists? How do you celebrate Women's History Month? How do you feel about women still being allowed to vote and have jobs outside the home? Come join the discussion.

Gender Equality in the 21st Century

Date / Time: 3/3/2011 10:00 PMCategory:


Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314


Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, February 24, 2011

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

We are live and on the air tonight at 10 PM ET. We're talking office conduct on this week's show. What is appropriate and what is not? What are your biggest at work fails? Do you worry about your job finding your facebook or twitter? Join the conversation...

I am giving you guys three ways to join in.

a) Call in at (858) 815-2314

b) Listen in via the site: NSFW (Not Safe for Work)

c) Join the chat conversation at

The show is live till 11 PM ET so come on over!!!

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Join me for a special radio show tonight at 10 PM. Where my Knicks fans at? Where my Knicks haters at? Call in and discuss!

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314


Host Name: vanedave
Show Name:


Date / Length: 2/22/2011 10:00 PM - 1 hr
Length: 1 hr

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, February 17, 2011


We are live and on the air discussing aging in today's society. Are we obsessed with staying young? What is the perfect age? Do men age better than women? Join the conversation...

I am giving you guys three ways to join in.

a) Call in at (858) 815-2314

b) Listen in via the site: FOREVER YOUNG?

c) Join the chat conversation at

The show is live till 11 PM ET so come on over!!!

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

I'm Asking For Your Help

I am going to preface this post by asking you all in advance to rec/like/share this post. If you don't feel like reading this whole thing, you can at least do me that favor.

Here is something I firmly believe. While it is always great to be able to do things on your own, there comes a time when you should not be ashamed to ask for a little help. We all need a helping hand from time to time. Whether it be from family, or friends, or even sometimes a stranger on the street. We are only human after all.

Before you run away thinking I am asking you guys to pay up on those spare kidneys you promised me, let me get to the point of this entry.

I recently started an internet radio show on So far, it has gotten off to a pretty decent start. I have some regular listeners, and I have begun to slowly network with other hosts. That being said, I have a real long way to go before I can say it is a success. I know sometimes I post videos or audio links and many of you just ignore them. That's cool. I completely understand. If it isn't too much trouble though, do you guys mind paying a little attention this time around?

I am really putting my heart and soul into this show. I am committing to doing it live every Thursday at 10 PM ET, and it is an hour each time. Let me just tell you all, this is not easy. It takes preparation and planning each and every week. I believe the show is getting better with each passing week, and with added participation it could really take off. I am looking for guests, callers, listeners, followers, or just people to help pass the word along. If you guys ever enjoyed any of my writing or any of my stand-up, I urge you to give the show a chance. Worst case scenario you can come back and tell me it sucked. I am a big boy. I can take it.

So here is the info in a nutshell.

There are links to follow via rss, twitter, facebook, and even text message.

Show starts at 10 PM. Call in live at (858) 815-2314You can listen to this show or any past show via the website at anytime. Podcasts alo available.

So please check out the show, and do not hesitate to call in tonight. Thanks as always for your support you guys. You complete me.

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Monday, February 14, 2011

So It's Valentine's Day... Now What?

We've hit the halfway mark on the shortest month of the year. What does that mean? First off, it means that Black History month is pretty much over before anyone noticed it was here. Second of all, it means that Valentine's Day is here once again. I get real excited whenever this time of year comes around, cause I know my woman doesn't give two craps about this "holiday". I brag about it all week long. That is what February the 14th means to me.

Not everyone shares my same apathy toward this day. I know there are some hopeless romantics out there who genuinely enjoy this day. There are also, of course, those greedy shallow people who just enjoy an excuse to shake some poor sucker down for whatever they can get. To each his/her own, I suppose.

In any case, I hope you are dealing with your VD the best way you know how. Enjoy your VD, or do your best ignoring it. Either way, you should probably call your doctor if your VD becomes too much of a problem.

I'll leave you with a little bit of Valentine's Day listening material:

Love/Lust is in the Air


With the most ridiculous holiday of the year right around the corner, I am going to give you all some pointers on how to deal with VD (Valentine's Day). Let's see if my guests agree or call me a chauvenist pig.


Listen to internet radio with vanedave on Blog Talk Radio

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Awkward Moments Tonight at 10 PM

What are some of your awkward moments? How do you deal in those uncomfortable situations? Call in tonight!

Awkward Moments


Date / Time: 2/3/2011 10:00 PM

Category: Comedy

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314

Show # 3 is all about awkward moments. I personally hate being put in awkward situations. I do not do well with them. Join me as I share some of my least favorite.

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vanedave Radio Tonight at 9 PM

The Egyptian Revolution has got me thinking. Are we watching our future unfold on a smaller scale? Join me tonight and lets tk about it.


Upcoming Episodes


Date / Time: 2/1/2011 9:00 PM

Category: Current Events

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314

Show # 2 will be a bit more serious than the first. As I watch the Egyptian Revolution take form, I wonder if an American Revolution can be too far behind. Are Americans too complacent? Is revolution just an idea to us? What would it take for our people to become fed up and rise up? Let's talk about it.

Use the episode link or the call-in number to listen. Tonight's episode has been moved to 9 PM to accomodate all you old people out there. No excuses now!

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tonight is the Night!

Tune in tonight at 11PM ET for the first broadcast of my humble little radio show. My guests tonight are likely to be a relative that I beg to join me, and a close friend that I guilt into calling. Also if she remembers, my fiance will probably call in to tell everyone how awesome I am. (That is, as long as she follows the script I prepared for her.)

In any case, it's a Thursday night, it's nasty out, and American Idol will be over and done with. You guys really have no excuses. Put the kids to bed, take a shower, and settle down for half an hour of engaging banter. I promise it will only be a fraction as pointless as any of the crap on television.

You can listen to the show via the link provided below, or you can use the phone number to listen to the show, or even call in if you are feeling brave.

Upcoming Episodes


Date / Time: 1/27/2011 11:00 PM

Category: Comedy

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314

My very first show on blogtalk radio. Will it be a success, or will it be a catastrophic fail of epic proportions. Either way, you'll probably come away with something good to make fun of me with.


Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Very Own Radio Show

I will be hosting my very first radio show this Thursday, Jauary 27th @ 11 PM ET. Tell your friends, tell your lovers, tell the people you work with who think they are your friends. All are welcome.

The info and link for the show are below. You can also view my blogtalkradio page ( to subscribe or bookmark or whatever you want to do.

Date / Time: 1/27/2011 11:00 PM

Category: Comedy

Call-in Number: (858) 815-2314

I love you all in advance for tuning in. Hopefully I don't mess up too bad.

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous