Monday, February 14, 2011

So It's Valentine's Day... Now What?

We've hit the halfway mark on the shortest month of the year. What does that mean? First off, it means that Black History month is pretty much over before anyone noticed it was here. Second of all, it means that Valentine's Day is here once again. I get real excited whenever this time of year comes around, cause I know my woman doesn't give two craps about this "holiday". I brag about it all week long. That is what February the 14th means to me.

Not everyone shares my same apathy toward this day. I know there are some hopeless romantics out there who genuinely enjoy this day. There are also, of course, those greedy shallow people who just enjoy an excuse to shake some poor sucker down for whatever they can get. To each his/her own, I suppose.

In any case, I hope you are dealing with your VD the best way you know how. Enjoy your VD, or do your best ignoring it. Either way, you should probably call your doctor if your VD becomes too much of a problem.

I'll leave you with a little bit of Valentine's Day listening material:

Love/Lust is in the Air


With the most ridiculous holiday of the year right around the corner, I am going to give you all some pointers on how to deal with VD (Valentine's Day). Let's see if my guests agree or call me a chauvenist pig.


Listen to internet radio with vanedave on Blog Talk Radio

Posted via email from vanedave's posterous

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